Membership Terms & Conditions

To make your life a bit easier, we have summarised the key terms of the Membership Agreement below. To fully understand our Membership Agreement, please do take the time to read through the full terms below.

Your contract – Your contract term is 1 month rolling from the date of the confirmation email.

Payment and renewal – Payment is made by credit/debit card. Cancellation of your subscription does not cancel your membership or stop it from being renewed. We will automatically renew your contract every month unless you call to tell us not to.

Brand – Whilst a paying member you get to use the Czok logo and brand.

Reviews – Reviews are how consumers understand the quality of your work. They are owned by the person who wrote them and you are not permitted to use them if you cancel your membership. We will advise of a negative review and give time for this to be resolved before the review is published.